Tag Archives: John Deere

Me And John D.

Ham, I am!  That’s what I’ve got to say about the following photo!

Perched up high on a John Deere

Perched up high on a John Deere

I happen to know where this tractor is parked.  It’s way out on a county road and I always thought it would be fun to take a photo with it.  The road is sparsely travelled but occasionally people do drive by.  I had about 6.5 seconds to get up there, take a photo, then scramble down.  The photo is supposed to show my current muscle development but you can’t control the sun so I’m pretty washed out.  You’ll just have to take my word that my program is working and my muscle development is on the upswing.

If you look at this close up, by my foot, you can see a warning sign.  It said to stay off unless you had on proper footwear.  That’s why my heels are John Deere green.  It was a safety issue!

One must always be safe around large vehicles!

One must always be safe around large vehicles!

My appreciation for farm equipment runs in the family!  My older son had a huge collection of construction and farm vehicles when he was a little guy.  We even went to visit the John Deere headquarters in Moline, Illinois when he was very young.  It was a great place for a little boy to play.  They had all sorts of cool, giant equipment there for the kids to climb on and explore.

This is my oldest son taking a ride on his first John Deere!  He's 17 now.

This is my oldest son taking his first ride on a John Deere! He’s 17 now.

My younger son wasn’t as fascinated with construction and farm equipment.  He was consumed by letters and words.  He taught himself to read when he was 3 years old but he could still appreciate a cool John Deere!

My younger son was more interested in reading what was written on the John Deere but he still had fun with it.  He's 11 years old now

My younger son was more interested in reading than he was with vehicles but he still had fun with this John Deere tractor.   He’s 11 years old now.