Tag Archives: exercise

I Love Squats (I Lie)


Everybody knows, I have a love-hate relationship with squats.  I wish I never had to do them but I can’t get the results I want without having them in the repertoire.  Ask me how I know.  Yeah, I tried for years to get the quads I wanted without doing squats at all. Finally, with some encouragement from a friend (a Marine who told me I needed to “man up”), I caved and started doing them regularly.  Lo and behold, I started seeing the leg development I’d always wanted.

I still do squats and I still don’t enjoy doing them but I LOVE the way they make my legs look!

Ernestine Shepherd


Ernestine Shepherd! If she can do it, I can do it too.

I was looking through my favorite workout clothing catalogue (Athleta) and was surprised and delighted to see one of the legends of the bodybuilding world on the pages.  Ernestine Shepherd is an amazing, inspiring 81 years young.

In 2010, Ernestine earned the title of the world’s oldest performing female bodybuilder.  She isn’t currently competing but she weight trains 4 days a week and she runs up to 80 miles a week when she’s training for a marathon!

I sincerely enjoy watching her perform at such a high level and look forward to seeing news about her exploits when I’m reading my fitness magazines.  I love that she’s doing her thing in the gym (and on the road) even though she’s not a spring chicken.

I’m not exactly a spring chicken either.  One of the fantastic things about bodybuilding is that age doesn’t matter.  It’s not like being a fashion model where you’re thrown aside at 25 or 30 years old.  When it comes to the art of successful physique building, the older you are the more respect you get.  I think it’s because anyone involved in the community knows full well how hard you have to work and how diligent and dedicated you have to be in order to get good results.  That’s true whether you’re starting out at 15 or lifting into your 80’s like Ernestine.  When I’m in the gym, I’m as likely to get a sincere compliment from a 23 year old as I am from a 70 year old.  The longer you hang out in the fitness community the more pats on the back come your way…and that makes it a wonderful, welcoming place to practice your craft as you age.

Passing It On

My family and I spent a bit of time in the mountains around Independence Day.  It was a great trip and we were blessed to have friends and family for guests most of that time.


Me with my boys. We celebrate Independence Day in grand style at my house!

One of my favorite young people, my 11 year old niece, came along for a few of those days.  When she walked into the cabin, she saw my pull up bar in one of the doorways and asked what it was for.  I told her it was what I used for one of my exercises and demonstrated pull ups using different grips so she could see what I was talking about.  She looked at me for a minute and said “I can’t do pull ups.”  I told her she most certainly could and that the only reason she couldn’t is that she thought she couldn’t.


I explained that she probably only tried to use her arms to accomplish the task and explained that what she should be thinking about is using her back muscles (which are much stronger) to help her get her chest up to the bar.  I could tell she was contemplating that for a while.


Yes, your biceps do work to get you up to the bar but your back is where your power is in this exercise.

The next day, my younger son and I were doing a workout.  We’ve been concentrating on compound, large muscle group exercises to help him make an easy transition into his upcoming football season and she asked to join us.  I told her that would be fine but pull ups were part of the routine and that she had to try.  She agreed and did a great job keeping up with what we were doing.  I modified some of the exercises for her (like having her do bent knee push ups) so that she’d be successful and before long, it was time for pull ups.  I told her once again that she absolutely COULD do pull ups and reminded her to visualize using the muscles in her back.

Lo and behold, she did not one, not two but three complete pull ups!  They weren’t consecutive but each one was perfect.  I gave her lots of praise and made sure that everyone knew about her little victory.  I was very proud of her and she was proud of herself.  I joked with her about getting her a pull up bar for Christmas and turning her into a workout phenom.


Getting those pull ups done. She did three!

When it was time to go home, she looked at me very seriously and said, “Auntie Lynn…I really DO want a pull up bar for Christmas.”

…and a pull up bar, she shall receive!  There’s nothing I like better than passing on my love for fitness.

Wait…What’s my count?


…And that about explains my current condition!  I think my face looked just like that when I was halfway through my morning walk with the dogs and I realized that I didn’t have my Fitbit on.  Until that moment, I hadn’t realized how much I’ve come to enjoy seeing my step count at the end of each day.  I often challenge myself to see if I can go farther each week, or how high I can get the count in a single day or hour.  It’s another great way to motivate me to stretch beyond my previous boundaries.  I just can’t forget to strap it on at the start of the day!


My favorite walking companions. We get lots of steps in together!


Little, Bitty Goals

Rest assured, there were a ton of little, bitty goals that were met between the following before and after photos!





It helps keep workouts going strong when you set little, bitty goals along the way.  There’s nothing wrong with setting big goals like losing 50lbs or running a marathon or winning a bodybuilding competition but it’s meeting the small goals that really propels you along day to day.  We all like to win so setting yourself up to do so is a smart way to keep yourself motivated.

smart goal setting concept

What do I mean by little, bitty goals?  I mean purposely setting the bar so you’ll be able to reach it with just a little thought and effort.  Perhaps you’ll ask yourself to drink one extra glass of water each day for a week.  Maybe you’ll add one extra set to each of your lifts for a month or go an extra quarter mile on your usual morning jog during football season.

Successfully meeting goals is a habit you can develop.  Reaching little, bitty goals regularly creates a mindset of accomplishment.  You learn how to keep the commitments you make and that sets you up for success with the larger goals you wish to attain.


Practice makes perfect (or at least it gets you close)!

Rise And Grind!

I’ve had times in my life when all my regular workouts took place after 7:00pm.  I’d go to work, come home, eat dinner and then head out to the gym.  I’d usually get back around 9:15pm.  I did that for years because that’s what my schedule allowed.  These days I do most of my workouts in the morning.  Given the two choices, I far prefer exercising in the morning.  That’s because after a good workout, I can start the rest of my day with a feeling of accomplishment.  It automatically sets my mood in the relaxed/happy part of the emotional grid and that’s a wonderful mindset to have when facing the challenges each day brings.  Obviously, getting a workout in, no matter what time is preferable to not doing any type of fitness activity at all but there are advantages to kickstarting the day with exercise.


The following article by Melih F. Cologlu delves into the topic and posits some sound reasons to try and get those workouts in early in the day if you can.

Not a morning trainer? Too bad for you. Here are 8 reasons why those who work out in the a.m. have a big advantage.

Awhile back, a study came out that said your testosterone levels were higher in the morning—as if you needed a study to tell you that. Afterward, I heard and read a lot of talk about how the morning was therefore the best time to work out.[1]

Yet it’s not that simple, because of this little thing called “life.” The fact of the matter is that for most of us, the time we choose to work out corresponds with the time we have available, which explains why most gyms are typically packed after the work hours.

But perhaps we can give you a compelling reason—in fact, eight great reasons—to wake up a little earlier to hit the gym rather than save it for later in your day. Withhold judgment about how you’re not a morning person until you fully absorb all the advantages of morning training.

1. It’s Easier To Follow High-Volume Training Systems

Trying to do a triset or a giant set is all but impossible in a packed gym. This guy over here wants to work in. That girl over there wants to steal your dumbbells. Others cast an evil eye your way for hogging so much equipment. They would have a point—if the gym was crowded.

But it’s not, because you were ready to rise and grind before everyone else. Yep, it’s much easier to complete these types of training programs when the facility is less crowded. That just happens to be in the morning.

2. Your Hormones Are Working To Your Advantage

As mentioned, in the early morning hours, crucial hormones (i.e., testosterone) that help build muscle mass are elevated in the body. By exercising in the morning, you’re taking advantage of these naturally circulating hormones as they’re peaking, rather than later in the day when they’re lower.

3. It Leaves Times For Other Priorities

I may make a living from the gym, but it’s still not my number one priority. Nothing is more important than family. Clearly there’s a trade-off between the amount of time you spend in the gym and the amount of time you can spend at home. Which is why slicing off a small segment, like you can in the morning, is usually better than in the evening, when you have to fight rush hour, navigate a crowded gym environment, get home to shower, and allot whatever’s left for your family. The math simply works better if you get your workout done in the morning.

4. You’ll Be More Focused When You Reach The Office Or School

A bout of exercise increases your focus on the next activity, because your body is aroused. What follows a morning workout? For most people, it’s the office or school. Hence, one of the advantages of working out in the morning is that you’re more alert during those later hours.

5. You’ll Be Less Likely To Skip Your Workout

It may take a cup of coffee to get your morning going, but once you’re up, there are few distractions on your way to the gym. But later in the day, any number of distractions can sabotage your workout: less motivation, fatigue, the gang is going out for some drinks, a sick child, an overdue report for work or school.

If you’ve already completed your workout, you can simply roll with whatever obstacles come up later in the evening without feeling bad that you missed another day. You’re far more likely to be consistent with your training if you get it done early in the day rather than waiting for later.

6. Your Metabolic Rate Will Receive A Quick Boost

Without a doubt, exercise can boost your metabolic rate. The degree depends on your current fitness level and the kind of activity you choose. All other things being equal, working out in the morning will help to boost your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories for the rest of the day. This phenomenon is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC.

7. You Won’t Have As Many Distractions

Chances are pretty good that you train with a number of friends, which makes socializing pretty easy. Don’t get me wrong—there’s nothing wrong with that. But it’s easy for a short gabfest to turn a productive workout into one where you barely break a sweat. If you’re serious about getting results and not wasting your time, you’ll want to spend your gym time with minimal distractions.

You can bet that people who get up in the wee hours are more serious about their workouts. From my personal experience, the chances of someone distracting your workout is much less likely in the morning.

8. Your Mood Will Improve

You’re probably familiar with the notion that some workouts release endorphins, feel-good hormones that are increased following exercise of sufficient intensity and duration.[2] But you don’t have to do hours of cardio to feel good about yourself; heck, you’ve just completed your workout for the day.


Nothing feels better than having a good workout under your belt, especially if you’re prone to blowing them off at night. Which is why there’s no better way to get your day started. You can boost your mood and sense of accomplishment by just be setting your alarm clock for a little earlier.

Rise And Grind

If you don’t train regularly in the morning, you may find that, at first, your performance suffers during anaerobic exercise (like bodybuilding-type training) as compared to late-afternoon workouts. Nevertheless, you can make larger improvements in exercise performance if you make morning training regular; that is, you do it consistently.3 So if you’re new to morning training, be patient but consistent with your a.m. workouts.

Yes it’s tough to get up in the morning, let alone try to complete a good workout. Soon enough, however, with consistency you’ll see your performance skyrocket and you’ll have a slew of good reasons that justify setting that alarm just a little bit earlier. For those of us who are already there bright and early, the secret is out!

  1. Resko, J. A., & Eik-Nes, K. B. (1966). Diurnal testosterone levels in peripheral plasma of human male subjects. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 26(5), 573-576.
  2. Goldfarb, A. H., & Jamurtas, A. Z. (1997). B-Endorphin response to exercise. Sports Medicine, 24(1), 8-16.
  3. Chtourou, H., & Souissi, N. (2012). The effect of training at a specific time of day: a review. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(7), 1984-2005.

The Secret


This meme tells my story.  There are plenty of days I walk into the gym in my street clothes.  Often, I have things on my mind…I’m trying to solve a life riddle, or figure out the answer to a particular problem.  I’m feeling rather subdued, even serious.


I change into my workout clothes, get my Ipod fired up and hit the weights.  After a few minutes, my internal transformation begins.  You can’t worry or think too deeply when you’re in the middle of a heavy set.  It’s wonderfully liberating and you can actually feel any burdens you’re carrying getting lighter. 

There’s something called a “runner’s high.”  I don’t run but I do get that same feeling when things are clicking in the gym.  It’s exhilarating and freeing.  When it kicks in, I most definitely feel like Wonder Woman…beautifully strong, capable and happy. 

It’s the transformational secret of the gym that all serious lifters come to know and love!

Ladies Who Lift

That’s me in the crystal ball.  More than 25 years ago, I saw a magazine with natural, female bodybuilders in it and my life changed.  I loved the look of all that beautiful muscle and that’s what drew me to the gym.  I never managed to put on as much muscle as I wanted but I certainly changed my physique for the better and along the way discovered all the wonderful benefits (like stress reduction) that bodybuilding brings into your life.

More than once, I had someone (usually a well meaning relative) tell me not to “get any bigger” that “muscles aren’t feminine” or that I was starting to “look like a man.”  They didn’t appreciate the aesthetic I love so much but save a few moments of thought the first couple of times it happened, the advice had no effect whatsoever on my determination in the gym.

Here’s to all the ladies who, like me, think women with a little muscle on their bones are gorgeous!













Progress Report (1-20-17)


I’ve been working out on my Total Gym at home during the month of January.  I’ve found ways to make it challenging and it’s been a fun change for me.  The one and only sticking point I have is that I’m not able to do rows effectively with it.  My back is quite strong and I tried to hold a 45lb plate on my lap to make it more challenging when rowing but it’s awkward and I gave up on that idea.  I have other equipment at  home that I use for rows so it’s not stopping me from giving my back good workouts.

I’ve been able to maintain a reasonable amount of muscle.  I’m not very lean at the moment and that shows too.  My lack of striations has everything to do with my diet and it’s easily remedied.  I simply need to tone down my carb intake, increase my cardio a little and I’ll lean out.  At this very moment, I’m happy and will stick to my current program for February.  When March rolls around I’ll make the appropriate changes in my diet and cardio and that will ease me into summer bikini weather in a nice, smooth way.

My Total Gym workouts have been so enjoyable.  They remind me of how much easier it is to get and stay fit when you truly enjoy your workout time!


Plan Ahead


O.K.  Perhaps that meme, although funny,  is a little over the top.  Nevertheless, when you’re interested in keeping your diet on the clean side, a little planning is in order.  If you don’t want to get caught without something quick and healthy to eat during the week, it helps to shop and prepare several meals ahead of time.  I do this for lunches, in particular. because if I’m out and about and get too hungry, I’m much more likely to make bad choices.  I can’t tell you how great an enormous bag of potato chips,  big serving of french fries or a massive piece of chocolate cake seems when I’m starving.

Each weekend I take time out to decide what I want to eat for my lunches (I eat two a day…one at about 10:30 and one about 2:00).  I make sure it’s something nutritious and not too high in calories.  I shop so I have what I need on hand and then I do what I can to get all the food ready to go.  For instance, if I want sliced chicken, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, I’ll grill the chicken breasts on Saturday.  I slice it up, then store it in an airtight container in the fridge.  That way it’s super easy to make sandwiches in the morning before I head out.  I don’t have to scramble for ideas or ingredients.


How about a little lunch?

A little bit of thought ahead of time helps you avoid disasters.  You know, just like I do, that if you make a meal of Krispy Kreme doughnuts you might like the taste while you’re eating them but the way you feel afterwards is less than ideal.  It’s so much better to rely on regular, healthy meals and to save the doughnuts for well considered treats now and then.

Although the meme is a little silly, it’s good to remember that having a meal plan in place goes a long way in helping avoid diet disasters.